What do the statuses mean on my orders?

Quick reference guide explaining the difference between "paid", "pending" and "cancelled"

Orders generated in your merchant portal can have 3 different status' attached to them. the Below article summarizes each of the status' and the actions attached to them:

1. Paid:


The order is successful! Your customer has been charged their first installment and you can provide the goods and services paid for. Gratify will settle the net amount to your account int he coming days.


2. Pending:


The order has not been accepted and paid for by the customer. Do not have over the goods to complete the service. Contact the customer and ask them to complete the check out using the link or QR code provided. 


3. Cancelled:


You have cancelled the order. Please email your customer to advise them of the change. If the customer clicks the link it will notify them that the order is no longer valid.