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How to make sales without feeling like a Sales Person

Written by Gratify Staff | Apr 27, 2023 4:38:27 PM

I've had a lot of jobs in my life. Some of them have been great and some not so much. But there's one thing that's true about every job I've ever had: at some point, I was expected to sell something. And no matter how you feel about selling or sales reps, you probably know what it's like to feel like you're selling all day long—whether it's at your day job or when trying to make new friends.

Get to know your customers.

Getting to know your customers is one of the most important things you can do. It's also one of the easiest, since it just takes a little bit of time and effort. You don't have to become their best friend - just learn their names, ask them questions about themselves and their lifestyle, and listen when they talk (instead of thinking about what you're going say next).

You'll be surprised at how much more effective this will make you in life -not only because people feel more comfortable talking with someone who seems interested in them personally but also because knowing where someone comes from helps us understand them better.

Become an expert.

To become an expert in your field, you need to start by reading books, blogs, listening to podcasts and reading industry articles. Reading other people's experiences will help you learn what has worked for them and what hasn't. You'll also be able to see how they handled certain situations and if they were successful or not.

If there is someone who is already doing what you want to do (and doing it well), ask them questions! Ask them anything that comes up in relation to their role: how they got started, why they decided on this path vs another one...anything at all! The more curious we are about other people's experiences the more we can learn from them.

It's important to learn from others because, well, it's rare to be first with something. So find someone that's already doing it, and ask them a few open-ended questions. It could literally change your life. 

Find the right words to use with your clients.

If you're not a natural salesperson, it's easy to feel like the wrong words will come out of your mouth when you try to talk with clients. But don't worry--there are ways around this!

The first step is finding the right words for yourself. Think about the way that people talk naturally around each other, and then try to incorporate those same kinds of expressions into your own conversations with customers. For example:

  • "I'm glad we got you what you needed!" (instead of "That was a great interaction!")

  • "Let me see if I can find someone else who might be able to help." (instead of "I'll get back with you.")

  • "Have you thought about trying this product over that one?" (instead of "would you like fries with that?")

Once you've got 2 or 3 go-to questions, you can start incorporating them with customers. It may feel awkward at first but once again just ask questions and listen.

You don't have to sell all the time.

You don't have to sell all the time.

There are plenty of ways to get people interested in your product without immediately asking them for money. You can offer value first and then ask for the sale, give away free knowledge (like a blog post or an e-book), use a free sample to get the sale or even use a free consultation.

You are a perfect fit for your clients

When you are talking to potential customers, the most important thing is to make sure that they know who you are and why you're a perfect fit for them.

You should be able to talk about your experience and expertise in a way that makes it clear how much value your services will provide. You should also be able to explain how working with someone like yourself will solve their problems or help them achieve their goals.

This isn't just about being able to tell stories about what has worked in the past; it's also about knowing what makes you different from other people out there doing similar work (and knowing how those differences can benefit them).


As you can see, there are many ways to make sales without feeling like a sales rep. You don't have to be pushy or overbearing, nor do you need to shove your product down your client's throat. If anything, it's better if they feel like they're making the decision on their own--which is why it's important not only to listen carefully but also ask questions that will help them come around to your way of thinking!